54「HEY GIRLS」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 日本と違った振り付けでファンを引き付けていくよ〜 HEY GIRLS" ♪ ───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ will attract fans with different choreography from Japan.

韓国の実力派ガールズグループの「HEY GIRLS」の日本ツアーの動画です。タイトな洋服にミニスカートで、時には可愛い仕草や時にはセクシー過ぎる仕草で踊るK-POP独特の振り付けがファンの心をくすぐるんでしょうね。本当にサービス精神旺盛で、日本のアイドルグループも見習って表現豊かなステージを見せてほしいです。
This is a video of the Japan tour of "HEY GIRLS," a talented Korean girl group. I guess the unique K-POP choreography of dancing in tight clothes and mini-skirts with sometimes cute gestures and sometimes too sexy gestures tickles the hearts of their fans. They really have a spirit of service, and I hope Japanese idol groups will learn from them and show their expressive stage performances.


헤이걸스 걸그룹 '헤이걸스 (HEYGIRLS)' official twitter
instagram heygirls_official
