キタ〜!!PLC 激推しの「齊藤ある」ちゃんがフォーカスされるサムネにやられて思わずチェックしてみた! Kita! !! I checked it out because I was hit by a thumbnail that focused on "Aru Saito" who was strongly recommended by PLC!

今回の動画は、2019年3月10日に行われた、「上野アイドルMUSICフェスティバル SPRING」の動画で、「齊藤ある」ちゃんが多めにフォーカスされているように見えたので(俺だけ?)チェックせずにはいられませんでした。
This video is a video of "Ueno Idol MUSIC Festival SPRING" held on March 10, 2019, and it seemed that "Aru Saito" was focused a lot (only me?) Check it out. I couldn't help it.

頭の天辺から膝辺りまでの寄りの動画でまさしくナイスな画角と個人的には思っています。笑 ここまで寄ってもらえると、今の4K時代では、肌の質感まで分かっちゃうんですよね。笑 撮られる方(特に女性は)にはちょっと酷かもしれませんが、ファンからしてみたら嬉しい限りですよね。15分の動画ですが、最後まで注目です!
I personally think that the angle of view is very nice with the video from the top of the head to the knees. Lol If you get this far, you can understand the texture of your skin in the current 4K era. Lol It may be a bit harsh for those who are taken (especially women), but I'm happy from the fans' point of view. It's a 15-minute video, but keep an eye out until the end!

Sadly, it seems that PLC also decided to refrain from doing so from March 11th to March 15th because of Corona. This is also unavoidable. I will post an event that will not be canceled or appear from HP.
I may have posted it before, but I will also post the profile of "Aru Saito".










・Twitter https://twitter.com/plcy_aru


PLC [ピーエルシー]/上野アイドルMUSICフェスティバル SPRING 20190310 [4k60p]