113「chuLa」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 寒さにも負けず頑張ってる「渡辺 あやの」ちゃん!ん!?何これ?あやのカメラで全部見ちゃいます。 ChuLa" - O──── - AYANO WATANABE, who is working hard despite the cold weather! What's this? What's this? Aya's camera will show you everything.

北海道の札幌雪まつり、例年であれば沢山のお客さんで賑わう所ですが、今年はコロナのせいでその賑わいも影を潜めています。このまつりの出ていたアイドルの皆もちょっと心配ですよね。どうしても毎回この話題になっちゃいますが、そんな沈んだ気持ちを「渡辺 あやの」ちゃんが払拭してくれますよ!
The Sapporo Snow Festival in Hokkaido usually attracts a large number of visitors, but this year the festival has been overshadowed by Corona. I am a little worried about all the idols who participated in this festival. I can't help but talk about this topic every time I go to the festival, but AYANO WATANABE will help you get rid of that sinking feeling!

I am worried about Corona, but every time I see images of the snow flurries at the Snow Festival, I think to myself, "It looks so cold! One more thing! Can't they do something about that stage? At least one person always falls down on that stage, and I think it's really dangerous. I think it's really dangerous. 71 times already, but is there no countermeasure for a snow country? I think it's too late to take precautions once you've been injured.

ほんとにノリの良い曲とダンスが楽しめます!特におすすめな曲は、「史上最強うぇぽん」です!みんな笑顔で弾けちゃってます。今回注目の渡辺 あやのカメラで、最後まで楽しんでくださいね!
I wrote this with various complaints, but this time "chuLa" is a Shibuya Harajuku-style idol unit that delivers energy with super high-tempo upper tunes! (from their website)
You can really enjoy their groovy tunes and dancing! I especially recommend their song, "The Strongest Wepon Ever"! Everyone is smiling and bouncing. I especially recommend the song "The Strongest Ueppon Ever"!

---------- メンバーとTwitterも載せときますね。----------------

桜木 妃奈 https://twitter.com/___hinachan227
佐藤 まりん https://twitter.com/marin_satoh_
渡辺 あやの https://twitter.com/srf_ayano
蒼井 聖南 https://twitter.com/seina_aoi
長尾 優 https://twitter.com/yuu_nagao_
花咲 ひより https://twitter.com/hiyori_hanasaki
七瀬 うた https://twitter.com/uta_nanase
北野 ゆか https://twitter.com/yuka_kitano_

【公式】chuLa@5/26 1stSingleメジャーリリース https://twitter.com/chula_official
