110「AnimalBeast」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 今はなきアイドルグループ一緒に旅したい! "AnimalBeast" Holy shit!!!━━━━!!! Now that's an idol group I'd love to travel with!


Well, there were many things that happened to the group, but whenever a video of Rena-Pen, Eri-Pen, etc. was uploaded, I would check it out as fast as I could at the time. I was really disappointed when the group broke up after all. (T_T)

When I look back at the videos from those days, I realize how peaceful things used to be. Nowadays, I think it is very difficult to film in various difficult situations. I would like to take my time and enjoy this time, while being grateful to the owner of the filming.

【4K】AnimalBeast 旅するカンガルー 2017.3.25 OCAT 1部 ②