notall(ノタル)♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 稀少?ここまでメンバーにフォーカスしてくれた事ないよね?NOTALL♪───O (≧∇≦)O────♪ Rare? You've never focused so much on the members, have you?



I think this video is a great video for fans because it has many scenes that focus on each of the members. It doesn't happen very often - really.

You have only been in existence for 5 years? I had an image that they have been active for much longer. They are a 3-member idol group operating under the concept of "next-generation social idols that grow together with everyone in the world. Releasing CDs with a fixed price of zero yen, "I quit selling CDs." They are a fun group that has been a topic of conversation for quite some time.

I have been checking out the group for a while but have never had a chance to introduce them, but since there was a lot of focus on my favorite member "Rena Tasaki", I would like to introduce her to you.



まずはリーダーの「佐藤 遥」ちゃん!青山学院大卒業、お笑い好きで可愛い!遥ちゃんもじつは推しメンなのです。笑
Twitter @Haruka26s

片瀬 成美 ツイ廃の彼女、更新頻度がッパねぇ〜笑
Twitter @knrmy2

田崎礼奈 彼女が本命の推しメン!踊ってみたなど「notall」以外でのYoutubeも見れるので要チェックですよ!
Twitter @tasaki0308 
