『 AKB48 チーム8 』 最高のセットリスト! 「ファーストラビット」が凄く良かったです!AKB48 Team 8" - The best setlist ever! First Rabbit" was so good!

茨城総合物産音楽フェスティバル2019 でのAKB48チーム8のミニライブ!久々にライブ見たような気がしますが、相変わらずの可愛さに癒される〜笑
AKB48 Team 8 mini live at the Ibaraki Sogo Bussan Music Festival 2019! I feel like it's been a while since I've seen them live, but they're still as cute as ever - lol!

地元茨城代表の「 岡部麟 」ちゃんも気合が入ったのではないでしょうか。それにしても、まだ5月だって言うのに、全国的に夏日でチーム8のみんなの首筋にも汗が光っていましたね。十分な水分補給と、仕事終わったらさっさと帰ってゆっくり休んでもらいたいものですね。笑 多忙な彼女達ではそうも行かないでしょうが、ゆっくり休んで下さい!
I think that local representative from Ibaraki, Okabe Rin, must have been very enthusiastic about the event. Even though it was only May, it was a summer day nationwide, and the sweat was glistening on the necks of everyone in Team 8. I hope the girls will drink plenty of water and go home after work and take a good rest. LOL I know that won't be the case with these busy girls, but take a good rest!

最高のセットリスト! 「ファーストラビット」

今回のセットリスト、久々に聞いた「ファーストラビット」凄く良かったですね。出だしと最後の方の振り付けが何とも可愛らしく、聞くたびに見入っちゃいますね〜笑 曲名と振りは可愛らしいいんですが、実はこの歌詞、力強いメッセージが込められていて、夢に向かって頑張っている人には勇気付けられる曲ではないでしょうか。
I have not heard "First Rabbit" on the set list for a long time, but it was great. The choreography at the beginning and at the end of the song is so cute that I can't help but look at it every time I hear it.

色んな困難にも負けずに。Dream come true

This song is from the original album "1830m," which was released in August 2012, and the album itself was a million-seller on Oricon.

There were many old faces who have now graduated, including Yuko Oshima, Mayu Watanabe, Atsuko Maeda, who is happily married, and Rino Sashihara, who recently graduated.

It is also included in their "Tokyo Dome Performance DVD". You can see a different "first rabbit" from Team 8, so why not enjoy it in your own space?

I know this name is a bit familiar to you, but I think people hesitate to challenge a dream or something new, or to walk down a path that no one has ever walked before. It is not easy to be the first to take on a new challenge, but there are many difficulties and setbacks, and some people just give up. But I think this song is about becoming the first rabbit and pushing forward toward your dreams and difficulties. After all, Akimoto Yasushi writes great lyrics.


I think there are still many people who are living a hard life due to the traditional "bullying" and the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and other disasters, but the more I listen to this song, the more courageous I feel. The more you listen to this song, the more courageous you will be. In addition, the smiling faces of the girls will give you spiritual nourishment. Please give it a listen! Please take the time to listen to it. You will have a happy time!