2024年4月26日に名古屋のReNY Limitedにてデビュー、名古屋を中心にライブ活動を行っており、ファンとの交流を深めています。
The group debuted on April 26, 2024 at ReNY Limited in Nagoya, and has been performing live mainly in Nagoya, interacting with their fans.
Their debut single 'Altar' (Alter) is highly acclaimed and includes solo parts that showcase the individuality of each member. The song is an important piece for the girls and has a message that strengthens the fans' desire to support them.3 Their characters and storyline make it easy for fans to identify with them, and they are a great example of what idol activity is all about.
Their debut single 'Altar' (Alter) is highly acclaimed and includes solo parts that showcase the individuality of each member. The song is an important piece for the girls and has a message that strengthens the fans' desire to support them.3 Their characters and storyline make it easy for fans to identify with them, and they are a great example of what idol activity is all about.
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『失礼します‼️\\どうぞ// 』
Twitter @107__kaede
『失礼します‼️\\どうぞ// 』