12「JK ダンス」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 可愛い女子高生が文化祭で見せる純白〜 JK Dance” KITA ━━━━ Holy shit! Cute high school girls show their pure white~ at a cultural festival.

Even though the hot summer has finally settled down, we are still in a tired mode every day due to the severe lingering summer heat. Still, it will be the cultural festival season from now on, and you may be able to see such cute performances by high school girls.

「JK ダンス」の動画をもっと見たい方はこちらから

【文化祭】制服で踊る女子高生5人組は、中庭でアイドルになる その2