22「Rakuten Girls」楽天ガールズ ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ こんなチアリーダーがいたら試合に集中できんんわ笑 Rakuten Girls" Rakuten Girls ♪──O(≧∇≦)O────♪ I can't concentrate on the game if there are cheerleaders like this lol.

台湾プロ野球界の華とも言える「Rakuten Girls」ベンチ上のスタンドから、各選手の応援ソングに合わせてチアリーダーがダンスやコールで観客を盛り上げ、ファンはそれに合わせ歌い・踊るという独自の応援スタイルがある。 
The "Rakuten Girls," the flower of Taiwanese professional baseball, have a unique cheering style in which cheerleaders dance and call out to the crowd from the stands above the benches to each player's cheering song, and the fans sing and dance along with them.

In Japan, cheerleaders only come out between innings to entertain all the fans. I guess that is the difference between Taiwan and Japan. I wish Japan had more opportunities to see more cheerleaders, too - lol!

ちなみに、「RakutenGirls」一番人気なのは林襄 りんしゃん (mizuki) ちゃんなのでしょうか?台湾の女性って本当に可愛い人が多くて、日本人に好かれる顔立ちで親近感わくんですよね。
By the way, is Lin Xiangyang Rinshan (mizuki) the most popular of the "RakutenGirls"? Many Taiwanese women are really cute, and they have faces that Japanese people like, which makes them very approachable.


Twitter @rakuten_girls


林襄 りんしゃんの動画はこちらからです。