1548「AKB48チーム8」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 悲報!AKB48チーム8が来年4月のコンサートをもって活動休止。。。何てこった AKB48 Team 8" ♪──O(≧∇≦)O────♪ Sad news! AKB48 Team 8 will stop their activities after their concert in April next year. What a mess!

I was astonished by the news that came out of nowhere. AKB48 Team 8 will stop their activities in April next year. Sad, sad.... But I heard that the members will continue to be active in AKB48...that's the least I can do.

I have featured them many times on this blog, and thank you for your support. Among them, I think "Route to Dream" is the best, so I would like to introduce videos of memorable members and guess-men. It may be a little difficult to choose the best one, but please check it out together with the previous introduction videos.

今回は、神奈川県代表の小田 えりな(Oda Erina (Kanagawa) ちゃんです。えりなちゃんのは中々見れないのでレア物ですよ!
