128「知多娘。」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 可愛い声優のお姉さん、元気に飛び跳ねて見せてくれる姿に乾杯!"Chita Musume." Cheers to the cute voice actor sister, who is jumping up and down!

What is "Chita Musume."
Chita daughter. A character created for the purpose of promoting the 5 cities, 5 towns and districts of the Chita Peninsula and supporting young people. Each character has a voice actor, and the Chita Peninsula is livened up with the character. Chita daughter. The people who are in charge of the voices are young people who aim to become voice actors, singers, entertainers, and announcers. Chita Musume for PR of Chita Peninsula and for own goals. I am working on my activities as a voice actor every day.



栗田もも(momo kurita)
身長 : 161cm 血液型 : A型
誕生日 : 6月20日(双子座)


「知多娘。」武豊乙姫 役

ブリッジから立ち上がること 音読


絵を描くこと 歌うこと
Momo Kurita
Height: 161cm Blood type: A
Birthday: June 20 (Gemini)

■ Career:

Chita daughter. Otohime Taketoyo
"Chita daughter." as Otohime Taketoyo
Taketoyo Tourism Ambassador
■ special skills:

Standing up from the bridge Reading aloud

■ Hobbies:

Drawing pictures Singing
(I've loved singing ever since I was little, so I started learning it when I was in middle school!)