1024「Yamakatsu」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ アイドルのハイキックはやっぱり見応え十分です!"Yamakatsu" ♪────0(≧∇≦)0────♪ The high kicks of the idols are worth seeing!

This is my favorite idol group "Yamakatsu"! I wonder if I can call it a local idol in Yamaguchi Prefecture? It's a group that has been around for quite some time. What! We have been active since 2011, so this year will be our 11th year~ It's been a long time. At first, we were active as a group of 5, but due to graduation and poor health, we are currently working as a group of 3.

以前にもブログの中で何度か紹介していますが、1番の推しは「常岡もい」ちゃんです!笑 本当に可愛いと言うよりべっぴんさんなんですよね〜長めのスカート履いてる子なのでみなさんもチェックしてみてください。
I've introduced her several times in previous blogs, but my number one recommendation is "Tsuneoka Moi"! LOL Rather than saying that she's really cute, she's more of a beppin-san~ She's wearing a long skirt, so please check it out.



Twitter @Yuly_YKG
山口県のアイドル #Yamakatsu のリーダーYulyです♡ 声がでかいと言われます。胃袋も大きめです。ラーメン
インスタ▶︎ https://instagram.com/yuriyeah_ramen

Twitter @Moi_YKG
防府市観光ポスター着物モデル👘/ラジオ毎月第2、第4水曜日 FMわっしょい77.3MHZ 19時〜『常岡もいのあいどる先生』 /【もいげー。】

Twitter @Yui_M_YKG
instagram ▶︎ http://instagram.com/moriwaki_yui