久々ですね。。。山口活性学園改め、「 Yamakatsu 」随分前になりますが、名前が変わったんですよね。それでもメンバーは入れ替わり有りましたが、変わらずの可愛い5人組で、特に推しメンが「 常岡もい 」ちゃん!整った顔立ちで、可愛いと言うよりは美人ですよね。今後も目が離せません。注目ですよ!
It's been a while. . . Yamaguchi Katsugaku Gakuen was renamed "Yamakatsu", but the name was changed a long time ago. Even so, the members have changed, but they are still a cute group of five, and the most recommended member is "Tsuneoka Moi"! With a well-proportioned face, it's more beautiful than cute. I will keep an eye on it in the future. Attention!