239「 屋根の上のきな粉」』 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 何度見ても最高の動画です!令和最強の動画になるのではないでしょうか? Kinako on the Roof" ¡──O(≧∇≦)O────♪ It's the best video I've ever seen, no matter how many times I see it! I think it will be the strongest video in 2025.

The video I previously introduced to you has over 1 million views! The most powerful idol group, "Kinako on the Roof" is amazing!

I'm personally very interested in this group, but it's a pity that we still don't have much information on their SNS, etc. I know their names, but it would be great if we could get their Twitter feed. I wish I could find out their Twitter feed, but it's too bad.

I found a video of the same venue as the one in my previous article, but I found it again on a different channel, so I decided to feature it again.

『 屋根の上のきな粉 』 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ 変わった名前ですが直ぐに覚えらえました!笑 抜群に歌の上手いお姉さん2人でした。だって。。。


ん〜何度見てもいい!笑 向かって左が「あきな」ちゃんで、右側の彼女が「あやね」ちゃんです。2人とも素敵なお姉さんですが、個人的にはあきなちゃん推しです!また違ったイベントやライブ動画があれば直ぐにチェックしたいと思います。
Hmmm... I don't care how many times I see her! LOL The one on the left is "Akina" and the one on the right is "Ayane" They are both great sisters, but personally I'm going for Akina! I will check back soon for different events and live videos!
