【AKB48 チーム8】試合後のミニライブ!珍しい バックショット ですね。背後からどうぞ!Post-game mini live! This is a rare back shot. Here it is from behind!

Is this the video from the Cobo Stadium in Miyagi, Japan, that I mentioned before? Or not?
All the fans who came to see the team members dancing in the large stadium were very excited.
The video was shot from behind, which is rare, so you can get a sense of the team members' energy, which is different from usual.

中でも元気いっぱいだったのが、やっぱり「 横道侑里 」ちゃんですね。普段から元気いっぱいですが、思いっきり お尻 を突き出していましたね。笑
Among them, Yuri Yokomichi was the most energetic. She is usually full of energy, but she was also sticking out her buttocks. LOL!

メンバーは 坂口渚沙、横山結衣、谷川聖、佐藤七海、早坂つむぎ、佐藤朱、舞木香純、小栗有以、本田仁美、岡部麟、清水麻璃亜、左伴彩佳、佐藤栞、横道侑里、永野芹佳、大西桃花

チーム8 試合後ライブ 制服の羽根