120「JK ダンス」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 皆で寝転んで大股開きからの純白です! JK Dance” Holy shit!!!━━━━! It's pure white from everyone lying down and spreading their legs wide open!


'High School Students' All-out Cheerleading! Shining Dance Performance at the 9th Chikujo Festival (10/20/2019)”
The cheerleading performance by high school students at the 9th Chikujyo Festival (Agri-Park) on October 20, 2019, was a hit! The energetic performance and perfectly aligned movements had the audience going wild. The smiling faces and passion-filled performances will surely make you feel the glow of youth!
The dynamic performance of the girls, including the scene in which they spread their legs wide open, brought out the freshness and glamour that only cheerleading can bring to life! We hope you will enjoy watching the performance filled with their earnest efforts.



「JK ダンス」の動画をもっと見たい方はこちらから 



