26「JC ダンス」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 可愛い女の子たちが見せてくれた純白が最高でした。Holy “JC Dance” kita ━━━━! The pure white shown by the pretty girls was the best.

The girls with large ribbons showed us their cheerleading dance to the best of their ability - maybe upper elementary school age? They looked straight ahead and showed us a solid performance.

「JC ダンス」の動画をもっと見たい方はこちらから

【チアダンスRAINBOW鳥取】「かくれんぼ / AliA」2024.3.24 午後の部【鳥取砂丘こどもの国】