可愛い女の子たちが見せてくれる激しいダンス。その中で、大人びた顔立ちで尚且つ可愛い小学生?くらいの女の子に夢中になりました。😀 そんな彼女が正面付近に来る度に食い入るように動画をチェックしていました。他の動画があれば。。。もっと見てみたいですね〜
Cute girls show us their intense dancing. Among them, I was crazy about a girl with a mature face and cute elementary school age. I was crazy about a girl who was about the age of an elementary school student, but still had a mature face. I was checking out the video every time she came near the front. If there are other videos.... I'd love to see more!