40「ジャンピン」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 可愛い女の子が見せるショーパンの隙間からの純白 Jumpin' Holy shit!!!━━━━! Cute girl shows pure white through the gap of her show pants.

石川元気応援隊 「ジャンピン」

モデルエージェンシー アドバンス社が立ち上げた、アイドルグループ。
Ishikawa Genki Cheering Squad “Jumpin

We want to cheer up Ishikawa Prefecture with singing, dancing, and smiles!
An idol group launched by Advance Model Agency.
The group debuted in August 2021, taking over the passion of “JUMPIN'” which stopped its activities in March 2020.
which ceased operations in March 2020, and will debut in August 2021.
We want to energize Ishikawa Prefecture! We want to spread the charm of Ishikawa Prefecture throughout Japan!
and “We want to show the charms of Ishikawa Prefecture to the whole country!


Twitter @jumpin_2021
instagram jumpin_ishikawa
