237「AnimalBeast」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 今じゃ見れなくなってしまった縞々は貴重ですね!「AnimalBeast」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 今じゃ見れなくなってしまった縞々は貴重ですね!

This is “AnimalBeast,” an idol group that I missed and loved. This group member has been through a lot, but these stripes are the most precious and best video I've ever seen. It's a live stage that you can't see nowadays.

「AnimalBeast 」の動画をもっと見たい方はこちらからと思ったら、過去の童画は全滅していました。今回の童画はお早めのご視聴をおすすめします。
If you are interested in watching more videos of “AnimalBeast,” click here, but all previous children's films have been wiped out. We recommend that you watch this children's film as soon as possible.
