1042「乙姫寿藍」 キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!! 何度も見ている彼女の純白は最高の癒しになります!"Otohime Juan" Holy shit!!!━━━━!!! I have seen her pure white many times and she is the best healer!

もう何度紹介したでしょう〜同じ場所でのライブ動画ですが何度見ても食い入って見てしまいますね😀 この先も又、期待しちゃいますがどうかなぁ
I don't know how many times I've introduced you to this site - it's the same live video in the same location, but I can't stop watching it over and over again 😀 I'm looking forward to seeing it again in the future, but we'll see.



Twitter @0ctopus_jyu

2024 03 02 乙姫寿藍(太田川駅西広場)