446「Girls Crying in Bathroom」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ セクシー過ぎるこの透け具合にやられました!Girls Crying in the Bathroom" ♪──O(≧∇≦)O────♪ I was struck by this too-sexy transparency!

Girls Crying in Bathroom

浴室で泣く女の子をコンセプトに、 可愛い明るいだけじゃない繊細な内面と葛藤、そこからにじみ出る愛らしさを表現していく。 幼く、拙いが正義とされるシーンに新風を巻き起こすハイコンセプトなガールズダンスボーカルグループ。 「彼女たちは貴方の涙をまとい、きっと力に変える。」
Based on the concept of a girl crying in the bathroom, the group expresses not only a cute and cheerful image, but also a delicate inner life and conflicts, and the loveliness that oozes from it. They are a high-concept girl's dance vocal group that will bring new life to a scene where being young and poor is often considered justifiable. They will surely take your tears and turn them into strength."

「Girls Crying in Bathroom」の動画をもっと見たい方はこちらから

 「Girls Crying in Bathroom」各メンバーのプロフィールやSNSなど

Twitter @nanaka_20000215
instagram gcib_nanaka

Twitter @gcib_kaho
instagram gcib_kaho

Twitter @Rui_official09
instagram gcib.rui

Twitter @minami_s126
instagram gcib_minami
