301「椿るい」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ ダンチャレと言ったら彼女、今、一推しのアイドルです。Tsubaki Rui" ♪──O (≧∇≦)O────♪ When it comes to Danchare, she is my idol of choice right now.

もう既に何度か紹介してきています「Blossom Garden」のメンバーであり、ダンチャレにもよく出てくれる可愛い「椿るい」ちゃんです。スタイルはもちろんの事、仕草や雰囲気が既に大人の女性ですよね〜笑 
She is a member of "Blossom Garden" which we have already introduced several times, and she is the cute "Tsubaki Rui" who often appears at Danchare. Not only her style, but also her gestures and atmosphere already make her look like an adult woman, don't they? 


Twitter @Rui_Blossom
instagram tsubaki_rui907
Tik Tok rui_blossom
 jc1❁ 9月7日 🎂 担当カラー:🧡
