I was a little surprised from the beginning, but I am happy to see the energetic dancing of these cute girls - I recommend you to watch it as soon as possible.
dance studio MPFとは、山形市・東根市にあるダンス&エンターテイメントの総合スタジオです。「夢は叶う!」を合言葉に、ダンスを通じてあなたの夢を叶えます。
dance studio MPF is a comprehensive dance and entertainment studio located in Yamagata City and Higashine City. We make your dreams come true through dance under the slogan, "Dreams do come true! We will make your dreams come true through dance.
We offer street dance lessons in all genres such as JAZZ, HOUSE, HIPHOP, BREAKING, CHEER, LOCK, PUNKING, and YOGA.
We offer a wide range of lessons according to skill and level, from those who aim to become dancers active at the national level to those who are new to dance and children.