27「あかぎ団」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ こんな可愛い子のハイキックが見れるなんて。。The "Akagidan" ♪──O (≧∇≦)O────♪ I can't believe I got to see such a pretty girl high-kicking.


Gunma Prefecture's local idol group "Akagidan" is an energetic idol group with a total of 14 members.
The group was founded in Maebashi City in 2011 with the mission of energizing Gunma Prefecture. The group was formed to enliven Gunma Prefecture, which at the time was in contention for the lowest regional brand ranking.

「あかぎ団」メンバーの「吉田 蒼」ちゃんカメラが捕らえたハイキックがあまりにも迫力があったのでチェックしてみました。一緒の彼女のプロフィールも載せておきますね。
Aoi Yoshida, a member of "Akagidan", the camera caught her high kick and it was so powerful that I had to check it out. I've also included her profile with us.

吉田 蒼ちゃんプロフィール

吉田 蒼 Yoshida Aoi
ニックネーム あおちゃん、ガブリエル
誕生日 6月25日
出身地 高崎市
身長 157.7cm
星座 蟹座
血液型 AB
