152「KissBeeWEST」 ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ ジャンプで見えちゃった!水玉が眩しい KissBeeWEST" ♪ ───O (≧∇≦)O────♪ I saw you jump! Polka dots are dazzling!

This is a very nostalgic video of the idol group "KissBeeWEST," which ended its activities in October 2020. The group was active in a wide range of activities other than idol activities, such as 100 live performances a year, radio, and stage performances, mainly in Osaka.

今回の動画は、2021年の戦国・ツワモノ・ロード ライブステージで、ジャンプした瞬間に水玉が現れちゃった貴重な動画になりますよ笑 他にも多々あるみたいなので探してみてください。
This video is a precious video of the 2021 Sengoku Tsuwamono Road live stage, where the polka dots appeared the moment he jumped. lol There are many more, so please look for them.
