Michelle (ミシェル)中馬美貝 彼女はまだ小学5年生の11歳だってよ〜見た目といい雰囲気といい、もう素敵な女性ですね! Michelle Nakama Mikai She's still 11 years old in the 5th grade of elementary school ~ She looks good and has a nice atmosphere, she's already a wonderful woman!

I think you were surprised to see this video, but as I wrote in the title, she is still in elementary school! She's also in 5th grade ~ I'm surprised! As with the songs, the behavior on the stage is so calm that I can't think of it as an elementary school student. She is looking forward to the future.

Michelle (ミシェル・中馬美貝) 

11歳小学5年生の H23年4月27日生まれ。
Twitter @Michelle_Chuma