『 チアリーディンング 』おおおおお!!これは必見! 高校生のチアダンス!最後は側転まで!!Cheerleading" Oh! This is a must see! High school cheerleading! They even do a sideways roll at the end!


大学生やプロのチアダンスとはまた違って、高校生の初々しさ!?笑 何とも言えず自然と笑顔にしてくれますね。途中戸惑ったり、恥ずかしそうにはにかんだりと何とも微笑ましいです。可愛い!!って叫びたくなるくらいの動画でした。みんな笑顔で踊っている所も高評価じゃないでしょうか。笑
Unlike university students and professional cheerleaders, high school students are so new! Laughing, it's indescribable and makes me smile naturally. It's so funny to see how they are puzzled during the performance and how they shyly blush. So cute! This video made me want to shout "Oh, they're so cute! I think the fact that everyone is dancing with smiles on their faces is also highly appreciated. LOL!

「チアダンス Hinodai」の画像検索結果