太齋 陽菜 ちゃんに注目しました!
今年の「 博多どんたく 港まつり 」での動画ですね。どんたくと言えば今年は「アイドルファッションショー」がなかったんですよね〜すごく残念だった事を思い出しますが、残念な事ばっかりでもないですね〜福岡を代表するアイドル「 パピマシェ 」やっぱり美人ばかりで人気も抜群!見ていて楽しいステージでした!
This video was shot at this year's Hakata Dontaku Harbor Festival. Speaking of Dontaku, there was no "Idol Fashion Show" this year, which I remember as a great disappointment, but not all things are disappointing! It was a fun stage to watch!
中でも注目は! まだ中学生?の「 太齋 陽菜 」ちゃん!可愛いですね〜笑 後列での歌や踊りで前の方になかなか来てくれませんでしたが、2曲目に何度か目の前で観れましたよ!やっぱり可愛かった!注目です!
Noteworthy among them! Is she still in junior high school? She is so cute! She was singing and dancing in the back row, so it was hard for her to come to the front, but I was able to see her several times in front of me during the second song! She was still cute! Attention!